Movie Software make HT a Waste of Resources?

This may be just me but how often after you seen the "cabon copy" explosion riddled movie trailer and said to yourself "God is this stuff stupid or what" and even worse.

As a music listener how long would we put up with consistently poor quality software that offends our intellect?

Seems to me that the movie industry thinks we are just stupid apes willing to buy anything the Hollywood Marketing guys/gals can regurgitate at us. Seriously, think about this next time you see a totally pointless plot but with your rerun "Take" 865.95 of bombs and flashes.

On the other hand where would Casablanca or Citizen Kane be without that great 7.1 sound :)?

I saw a bumper sticker a few years ago that read: "The more you know the less you need" . In the case of movies, maybe another sticker could read "The more you think the less you are willing spend in front of the screen watching carbon copies". Once in a while it is fun to watch a good boom boom if there is something to fill the space between the boom boomies such as Saving Private Ryan.

I am probably missing something here but why is home theatre worth ten's of thousands of dollars of our discretionary income?

Maybe that old song "In the year 2525 we will not need our minds, will not need our eyes...." was overly kind with respect to the date.

An important screening technique, Eds, to find the dramatic dropoff in value in HT processors that I did mention above. Check out the value of any of them once a new Format becomes the defacto standard that the old model does not have and can not be upgraded to. Regarding waste: Interestingly Free Speech Radio News ( reported today that electronics waste that is not wanted in the US is being exported in massive quantities to China where small children tear out wires, chips, heavy metals and other toxics and spread the parts around the country side and often burn the waste causing toxic emissions. In one area, that has been tested, the concentration of burnt waste by the roadside has leaked into the groundwater. The concentrations are so high, that even under China standards, bottled water has to be brought in to supply the local village.
Why are more than 50% of the posts on this thread by you, Nanderson? In fact, every time someone responds you have a couple of follow-ups that espouse the same positions. Anti-Bush, anti-corporate anything, anti-Hollywood, anti-Enron ( which is understandable), anti-SUV. Oh, I almost forgot, anti-home theater. Would the world truly be a better place if Americans rode bicycles into work (presumeably work would be somewhere other than an evil Fortune 500 company), watched only independent films recorded in glorious, full-range mono? Maybe we should carry our little red books into work as well! It's a good thing you don't have anything against color film - most film purists would tell you color was an evil marketing scheme by Technicolor and later crammed down our throats by Kodak when all REAL art was filmed in black and white! Let's not even talk about that evil gimmick called television which threatened to turn people into zombies - after all, only rich and powerful people/organizations/companies could afford to put their messages on television and radio. Surely this means everyone who sits in front of a TV becomes a mere corporate stooge, ready to march to the orders being broadcast by their corporate masters! And if I recall, it was those evil Republicans in the Eisenhower administration who concocted that plot to put fluoride in our water supply. Or was that the Soviets? So long ago, I don't remember. It hurts my brain too much to think. Guess it's time to chase my Zoloft with another beer. Gotta go, "Funniest Commercials You've Never Seen" is coming on soon and I can't miss it. I laugh right along with the laugh track but I find I can't help myself. God deliver us from this foresaken land! Cheers!
I really enjoyed your thread! I do think there is more than an element of truth in your humor. Maybe you should go back to some of my threads to those "evil" propaganda links I refer to and at the same time if you are fortunate enough to have time to watch the ENRON hearings. I think you will find that our media owned by the corporations and for the corporations does not tell you half of what you should know to be an involved citizen in a free democracy and not just a consumer in a market place (if you get a chance listen to the "evil" BBC in the early morning as a different twist on the same things reported by AOL-Time Warner, General Electric/Westinghouse owned media). ENRON hearings clearly are questioning by repubs and dems alike (heck really if you listen to them you would assume that they are concerned that there is a time bomb waiting to happen at more than ENRON) the very underpinnings of our stock market system. Several repubs are, with tortured faces (an aside: actually I get a big kick out of the tortured faces, now this is great theater) seemed shocked at the apparent extent of the type of problem that brought down ENRON. Really have you listened to this? Repubs (I use them since they are suppose to be objective in this corporate stuff, right?)are pointing to apparent unbelievable conflict of interests at systemic level (not just ENRON, heck, that is whole point of the hearings is to learn if this is a bigger problem than ENRON). Everyone testifying saying that other corporate group hoodwinked my corporation so we are not to blame and visa versa. Now go back and look at the comedic dialog you give above and you will see just how funny it is because the best comedy is reality sometimes (albeit you have some things exaggerated for maximal comedic affect, none-the-less, you have a wonderful sense of humor).

On a simple point: Do I think Americans would be better off if they rode bicyles to work? Ah......let me think.......hmmmm........still thinking...................ah......YES at least if they can(however in most places it is impractical, in part due to the transportaton system that is maximized for every person to be driving a car or truck to get everything done.)! I do think using your body once in a while on a bike or walking would be great and even greater if made part of wider sustainable system that includes better public transportation system (even taken a trip by plane lately)! On Bikes again: In fact, if you research the facts the big corporations really do not as much employ us (in many cases literally and in other cases as a dramatic shift in where work actually is done for the corporations) as they employ people in China and other Asian places who actually do use bicycles to work. Over 10-million people in the US alone now do not even wear out tire rubber during at least part of their work life. They work from home during some or all of their work week. Maybe you should we ask the other side of the coin (95% of world does not live in the US) would we all be better off and all off if the working Chinese and Indian populations drove SUVs to work? Anyway, I take your general point is to liten up and do mindless stuff as a way to happiness. Believe me, we all do that and appreciate it. However, critical thinking is really a blast as well. I kind of think of The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" as a sort of anthem. I think it is a blast to be aware and vital! Heck (I like the word heck)the ENRON hearings even seem to say your 401K would be better off if more Americans questioned more than they do.

PS: I put the same question of this thread up in the preamp section with somewhat different reactions to that audience.
Treyhoss, your observation is right on target. Nanderson has found a bully pulpit, though one wishes he had more to say so that he would not feel compelled to repeat himself quite so often. I have suggested that he "drill down" from his fairly superficial economic/political analyses to more fundamental philosophical issues. Thus far his responses have been sarcastic and dismissive, perhaps reflecting a lack of understanding that there ARE more fundamental issues. But I continue to hope for the best.
