Movie Software make HT a Waste of Resources?

This may be just me but how often after you seen the "cabon copy" explosion riddled movie trailer and said to yourself "God is this stuff stupid or what" and even worse.

As a music listener how long would we put up with consistently poor quality software that offends our intellect?

Seems to me that the movie industry thinks we are just stupid apes willing to buy anything the Hollywood Marketing guys/gals can regurgitate at us. Seriously, think about this next time you see a totally pointless plot but with your rerun "Take" 865.95 of bombs and flashes.

On the other hand where would Casablanca or Citizen Kane be without that great 7.1 sound :)?

I saw a bumper sticker a few years ago that read: "The more you know the less you need" . In the case of movies, maybe another sticker could read "The more you think the less you are willing spend in front of the screen watching carbon copies". Once in a while it is fun to watch a good boom boom if there is something to fill the space between the boom boomies such as Saving Private Ryan.

I am probably missing something here but why is home theatre worth ten's of thousands of dollars of our discretionary income?

Maybe that old song "In the year 2525 we will not need our minds, will not need our eyes...." was overly kind with respect to the date.

Treyhoss, your observation is right on target. Nanderson has found a bully pulpit, though one wishes he had more to say so that he would not feel compelled to repeat himself quite so often. I have suggested that he "drill down" from his fairly superficial economic/political analyses to more fundamental philosophical issues. Thus far his responses have been sarcastic and dismissive, perhaps reflecting a lack of understanding that there ARE more fundamental issues. But I continue to hope for the best.

Labels, labels, now that is a strong sign of a good argument. Speaking of repeating ones self maybe you could get the chief to quite repeating Evil every place he goes and talking in bumper sticker slogans as answers to complex questions. The issues are fundamental and at the core of what seems to make americans tick as a consumer culture and presumably what makes them the massively in credit card debt. What is superficial? I am almost afraid of what would be substantive? But this could be interesting, so go ahead.
PS: The Fox news channel cann't help you this time since all the repubs are my references.
PS: Why this is so relevant because it seems what we purchase as American is our biggest statement since we don't screen the benefits to others in guiding our children in career choice. It is all about all the stuff you will be able to buy to make you life "better" than we had. Of course, I am making this all up and it is all superficial and stuff we buy at any human or environmental cost in the short term is what really defines substance.
Sorry I am not often, if ever, up to normal grammatical standards. I usually write this stuff after a long day of running my own business that you may not find on the NASDAQ, yet.