Rationalizing the Mark Levinson ML-40

I have read a little about the first Mark Levinson home theater processor, which, if nothing else, is certainly the most expensive unit [to be] available.

As one tries to move toward "the best there is", diminishing retuns set in--ergo, the need for rationalization.

I am interested in the thoughts of others about this product. Is it incomparable? How close is "next best"?

Thank you.
Wait a sec hotrod, you have $250K of gear in your system and you are calling a reference video processor that costs $30K overkill that includes both state of the art audio and some pretty great video processing capabilities? You are calling the 40 diminished returns? And your 250K system didn't meet the law of diminishing returns already? Your comments make little sense...
A well equipped Muse MAP does all the ML 40 does for half the price...

MAP = Modular Audio/Video Platform.


Coming to a theater, and AND/OR a two channel store near you soon.

Well, Im not going to even comment on hotrods post..

Brian, so does a $399 Sony mini-system, doesn't mean the quality/sonics/etc will be there.

ML incorporated its best technology, preamp, DACs...etc..
lets listen and see !
slartibartfast, all i was trying to express is at 30 to40 thousand for a piece of gear you only have to rationalize the purchase to yourself,ive already spent lots of cash on mega gear and every year something comes out betterso saying something is the best is only temporary. the 40 is a world class piece but i myself cant justify my trying to upgrade every time something better comes out, thats why i said if money was no object id sell my 32 and lexicon processor and get it . I have to draw the line somewhere.in regards to the 40 being the best dont know havent heard it,but levinson makes world class products.thats all i was trying to say having been their trying to get the best which of course is personal taste. regards mike,
HOTROD come on man! Your saying you have a quater of a million dollars invested in your audio system? Then whats another 30,000 to you? I wont say anymore because I will get in trouble here. Hellosimplymusic: Your way off the map about the muse and it doesnt take a rocket sceintist to figure that one out. If that where true then companys Like Levinson would not be making audio equipment anymore. You people in general are quick to knock the big companys like krell levinson classe audio research just to name a few but everytime they want to brag about an amplifier that they bought new from some new little audio company that manufactures out of their garage the first thing they say is "it sounds better than the Levinson" At half the price. Yes there are things that sound great for a reasonable amount of money but they cant always compete with big companys such as Levinson because if their stuff was that good then their prices would also be that of the other highend companys out there.