Rationalizing the Mark Levinson ML-40

I have read a little about the first Mark Levinson home theater processor, which, if nothing else, is certainly the most expensive unit [to be] available.

As one tries to move toward "the best there is", diminishing retuns set in--ergo, the need for rationalization.

I am interested in the thoughts of others about this product. Is it incomparable? How close is "next best"?

Thank you.
Before buying the new ML, you may want to wait for the new Viola piece. Tom Colangelo, the head designer for (the former) Cello, has just showed his new multi channel preamp at CES. From what I understand, the unit will retail for about $20K. It will be totally modular and upgradeable, like the old Cello Audio Suite, but updated and cabable of more channels than you will ever need. If it is like the old Cello stuff, IT will be the new standard...
Ken G.
I've got the Media -40 and it is truly amazing. The sound quality is phenominal. The flexibility and multitude of inputs makes this piece a pure joy. Look at the website and check out the owners manual before believing someone else will be releasing a more robust or flexible product anytime soon with the audio video quality of the 40.
I am sure the theta piece is a fine product, but nothing is more upgradeable or customizeable the Media 40. I looked at all of them and frankly the 40 is technology way ahead of the anyone else. Whether that translates into something clearly better for everyone for the money is a matter of taste and choice.
Hotrod has a point you have to stop somewhere. I think the 40 is great but certainly the sound and video of other systems are more than acceptable. I was just in a position where I was redoing my entire system in a dedicated space and had the proceed pav combo piece to trade in which ML gave quite a bit of credit on. I paid a lot but made a good deal. Otherwise the price is steep.