Bringing back the dead?

After reading the recent Stereophile's annual recommended components issue gave an idea for this thread. What are some of the best designed and produced audio products that is no longer in production? Apparently, I can't get this answer from reading new press. I am asking this question because I have only been in this hobby for about 10 years off and on. 10 years is not very long and I feel that I cannot not really appreciate this hobby without really understanding the past. Perhaps going forward, I can compare what's new to what I have been exposed to this past 10 years, but it would be nice to know what other products that was available before I started my audiophile journey. Is the best really yet to come or we have achieved the apex of hifi and we're all heading back down? Thanks for reading this thread and I look forward to reading your comments.
I had an Ampzilla. It had great slam but was unreliable. It was the first real amp I owned. The pre-amp, though, is dated and I don't ever wish to have it back in my syatem. But it was much more reliable and it is still operating today in a friend's second system.
Let's not forget the original Acoustat X. Spawned the birth of the full range eletrostat with balls.
Great posts audiogoners. I know I can't learn about these goodies from reading the current stereophile or other current press.

What other products do you think can withstand through technology advances?
In the early 1980's I bought an Oracle Delphi turntable and a SME tone arm. While I have changed cartriges a few times I still use this setup to this day and feel it is functions as well as anything available today at it's price/performance point.
I miss my old Eico HF-81 integrated amp (the only EL-84 Hi-fi amp that I ever cared for) . I have almost bid on this amp many times on Ebay, but end up cringing and reconsidering when I add the cost of having it completely rebuilt to specs (I no longer have any friends in the area that do this type of work). It was/is quite ugly as well.