To tone control or not to tone control

I recently stepped up to a Conrad Johnson PFR preamp to mate with my CJ MF-2200 amp (200 wpc). Was previously running an Adcom GTP-450 pre/tuner which had bass/treble controls which help to compensate for those recordings which are recorded poorly. Though the CJ PFR sounds really good on most of my cd's there are some of my favorite artists whose recordings are really pitiful. Is there a good tone control which I can use on the PFR to use for these poor recordings? Is there a way to connect both preamps to one system. I do have an older cdp that I could connect to the Adcom preamp for the poor cd's and use the main system for the good stuff. I have also thought of trying a subwoofer to help with filling in the bottom end since most of the poor recordings are R&B and Rock N'Roll and that is where they seem to be lacking the most. The rest of my system consists of a Sherwood Newcastle 980 cdp and Infinity RS 5000 speakers (12 yrs old) and next to be replaced. As always your help is appreciated
I had the same problem with my densen-spica angelus setup (some recordings sound very thin to the point where I avoid listening despite liking the music). I ended up with a Rel strata subwoofer. This has worked really well for me : the good recordings are now amazing, and the bad ones are enjoyable. There are, however, still a few recordings which are not helped by the REL, maybe because it's upper frequency roll off is set at 30Hz, and the source material simply doesn't go down there. There are a very few discs that are not improved and no discs that are worse with the REL. I consider it a great buy.

Also, several years ago I had a friend with a Quad stup. Quad has some wierd tone controls which are supposed to "cause less distortion". I remember playing with them (I think they're called lift and tilt) and I was very impressed ... it seemed like quad had got it just right. It gave a small lift to the bass or treble, but not in the artificial way of a traditional tone control. However I believe that my Densen amp is more detailed than the Quad, for about the same price, so maybe less is more !? If this hobby were easy it wouldn't be so much fun !

So what did you end up doing ?
I replaced the Infinity speakers with Silverline Sonatas. A big improvement, but the biggest improvement in dealing with the bad recordings was to replace the Sherwood cdp with a Theta Miles cdp. Now all cd's are listenable. Obviously some cd's still sound better than others but overall they all sound good now. I haven't thought about tone controls or sub woofers since. Maybe a sub will come into play when I work on the HT end but I am just finishing the 2 channel with the purchase of Homegrown Silver Lace ic's and a dedicated AC line.
I can't imagine not having the flexibility of tone controls-far move value in having the flexibility vs. any minimal loss, if using a high-end piece.

The Accuphase EQs have silly prices, so here's a little secret from the high-end and separate music production realm-get a high-end studio EQ. The White 4700-2 stereo EQ is $1,800 new, about $100 on Ebay. Shhhhhhh....
The Adcom GTP-450 offers the most transparent, relaxed sound I have ever heard from a preamp that has tone controls. I even like the sound produced from the GTP-450 better than the GFA-565, this preamp has soul. This of course is not an audiophile way to go but who cares. You can leave the tone controls in the twelve o clock position and even then it sounded better to my ears than some of the most expesive units, but not all. However I know to most audiophiles who want to do some extreme critical listening they of course will say get the tone controls out of the signal path. I have a GTP-450 & switch to an ARC tube preamp only when I want to do some serious listening on softer music.
Tone controls got a bad reputation several decades ago. Tone control circuitry of modern equipment does not degrade audio quality, but can correct defects in the way a recording was made, and perhaps compensate for your speaker's weaknesses.