Who's Who in Amp/ Preamp design?

I think of certain companies and certain people come to mind (PS Audio, for example), but other manufacturers appear to be corporate black holes (Mark Levinson- the company for example). Just who is who, to the best of your knowledge? Who should we be watching out for in amp/ preamp design and what are they like, and for which company? Can we get some personalities involved!! We are in this for the fun of it right, who is out there making our lives better? Manufactures chime in if you dare!
BAT- I think of a dude named Victor laboring over his balanced circuits, sweating due to the heat they put out,
PS Audio- I think of a cheerful guy named Paul McGowan and some other happy dudes with code names working on amp and power solutions in the crisp air of Colorado.
Threshold/ Pass- I think of Nelson Pass, circuit designer and circuit homebrewer!
Marsh - obviously there is a someone named Marsh at this place.
Gryphon Audio design- I think of a guy in black clothing named Rassmussen testing the designs while listening to a reel-to-reel (Revox perhaps?) with the lights dimmed due to the power-hungry class A designs being used.
Krell- Dan D'A. CEO but does he actually do anything?
Vandersteen- well, speakers don't count in this thread.

Anyone else?
(spelling does not count on this thread...obviously!)
Williamson of the Williamson amp design, D'Appolito of the speaker configuration, the Linn guy, is it Tiefunbrun (?)who made us get better turntables, got to mention Joseph Grado, invented the moving coil, right?, Fulton cables came first but David Salz (Straightwire) turned wires into components, ModSquad started the whole DAC thing; these are groundbreakers for sure.
Sean, you're alright, mostly, but I'm certain the LoBianco and Tate families would find no humor here.
Hey Sean I think Mike Love was following his own guru at the time. I think it was Denny during one of his most creative periods.
Keep a eye on Mark O'Brien and Mark Walker of Rogue Audio.They have some incredible skills and education.They have released awesome tube amps and preamps.They keep their prices realistic but are able to offer products that compete with the higher priced products.They are still considered new to the high end market,so watch them closely!
Roger Modjedski ok, ok, I probably did get the spelling right but he is "the man" at Music Reference.