ML 32 or CJ ART for ML 33H

A very simple question: what would the Audiogon audience prefer as the best match for the Mark Levinson 33H Power Amplifier? The Mark Levinson Reference No. 32 or the Conrad-Johnson ART? The only criterion is "musicality". I listen 90% to classic and 10% jazz.
i use the ml #32 with the ml #33 monoblocks. 6 months ago i upgraded from the #33h to the #33. i have been very happy with the #32 and think it has a special synergy with both the #33h and #33. the #32 is a remarkable piece of equipment; bullet-proof and beautiful sounding. i don't think it gives up anything to the tube preamps listed above IMHO.

btw, the #33 are an amazing improvement over the great-sounding #33h.

mike lavigne
Dear Jtinn,
Thanks for your response. Loudspeakers are ProAc 3.8, cables Van den Hul Revelation Hybrid (bi-wired) and ML #39.
Frankly, the ProAc's have a beautiful midrange which is very warm. I think the CJ may be a bit too much. I would recommend the ML 32 or the BAT VK-50SE if you wanted tubes.

The system should sound great with either of them.
I have the EXACT setup. ART II with a pair of 33H I DID try the 32, but prefer the ART. 32 sounded fine. Very solid, but for musicality, the ART beats it hands down. see my setup at
my choice is different than yours.why not lamms new reference pre-amp or vacs reference signature????