Pass X-150 X Levinson 334

Please,can someone help me to choose between the Pass X-150,and Levinson 334?
This is a tough one. They are both awesome peices of equipment. The Levinson has a more realistic sound stage and the mids are more like liquid. I have hears the pass at a dealer on wadia and b&w 803n and it sounded great but I own a 335 and nothing can make me sell it. Pass great equipment. Simular in some respects to the levinson
Hi Famaraca. Pls give more info: Which speakers do you have and what kind of music do you listen to... partnering equip.

Having listened to both with their respective partnering pre, but in DIFFERENT home systems, I lean towards the system with the Pass. Pls note: different systems. I agree with Lev regarding the mid, but could add that the Pass system sounded slightly closer to "natural" sound overall. The music was classical.
Good luck!
Thanks to Lev and Greg
My current front end is:Oracle Delphi+ET-2+Koetsu Rosewood Sig.,Accuphase DP-65V cd player.Krell KSP-7b Pre-Amp and Apogee Caliper Sig.speakers.
I listen mainly to Modern Jazz(DMP,GRP labels)
Do you knows the quality construction?I saw the 334 inside(superb),but not the X-150.
Thank you