TUBE....Starting with Power or Preamp ?

I've been looking at this forum and found "MANY" loves tube gears a lot. It makes me want to enter the "TUBE" arena but I'm not sure which one to start with between Poweramp or Preamp. Could anybody have an experience answer my question below? If I have only one tube equipment to start,.....

1. What's the sound would be using SS Preamp + Tube amp?
2. What's the sound would be using Tube Preamp + SS amp?
3. Which way is a better approach?
4. Which Tube Poweramp or Tube Preamp is great for around $500-$800 used?

My music preferences is Acoustic Jazz with lots of details and some drums + percussions. I like the music that is sweet, very involving and real. Any suggestions would be very appreciated?

Supakit S.

We can't really answer the "sound" questions as posed, exactly, because it's so very dependant on what gear you're actually using. Speaking VERY GENERALLY, though, the tube amp will give you the full "tube sound" right from the start, with either a ss or a tube pre. A tube pre may give you much of the smoothness and musicality of the tube treble and midrange, without sacrificing much detail and bass "punch", when mated with an appropriate ss amp. Neither is necessarily "the better approach" - it completely depends on what type of sound you want. Since you emphasize detail, I'd probably suggest the pre-amp first, but you'll find advocates for both approaches. Note that pre-amps generally use fewer and less expensive tubes, which can be a consideration when buying used.

The last question is a stumper - almost any tube pre or power amp is great for that kind of money ;) Right now, just on this site, there's a Dynaco ST-70 for $250 (a venerable amp with a bazillion upgrade options and a huge knowledge base available to consult); a Moscode 600 hybrid for $600 (I have a 300, which needs attention but still makes lovely music, in their day these were wonderful bargains and to my ear, still are); a couple Anthemn Amp 1s and Jolidas on the lower end, not to mention some QuickSilver Monoblocks in the $900s. For pre-amps, there's an ARC SP-14 for $900 (ARC makes good stuff, though I don't know the SP-14 at all); a Conrad Johnson PV-10a for $650 (nice unit with phono stage); and several QuickSilvers, other CJs; etc. Personally, I'd go with the PV-10a to start out, it's a reliable performer with a nice sound and a good resale (important when you want to upgrade!), but I look forward to the other answers you'll get as I know there are far more experienced tube-o-philes around. Good luck!

Supakit, I would suggest you follow Sugargrie's recommendation and try a good used tube linestage in your system. I have found that the linestage can have a greater impact on the overall sound of a system than most people realize. Amplifier choices are often highly speaker interdependent: there is a strong synergy that makes matching the two a sometimes challenging process for optimal performance. The linestage will be much less system interdependent and will allow you to experience the values that a good tube component can bring to your system. As others have recommended, the Conrad-Johnson PV-10AL is a very good choice to try.
Check out Rogue Audio for tubes: Tempest is a new integrated and occasionally comes up used for about $1500. Equivalent separates are Pre 66 and Amp 88 models which go for about your price range used. The Rogue 88 is dynamic, detailed with excellent bass for tubes. Great for the $$.
In order to stay happily married, I have to hide most of my gear in a large cabinet. My tube preamp was slowly cooking itself to death in there so I sold it and got a Classe preamp, which I use with Quicksilver Monoblocks (they hide behind my speakers). The Quickies are little loose on the bottom and the Classe tightens them up a bit. If you get a tube amp you should plan on changing your speaker cables to something more revealing.
If you want to try a tube preamp, I recommend trying an Audible Illusions. It's what I would have bought if not for the cabinet constraint.