Who is your overall favorite guitarist?

At 44 years of age, I personally feel fortunate to have lived in an era along with some of the finest guitarists who have ever lived. I have always had an overwhelming love of music. As I look back to my earlier years of music appreciation (I took formal piano training for 17 years) I remember how my instructor would suggest exposing myself to the many different styles and disciplines of music.

These were such valuable words of wisdom. Considering the fact that this suggestion, more or less, forced me to be more open to musicians other than those that played in strictly rock and roll bands.

Wow, was I surprised to find that I could be as entertained by Chet Atkins and Les Paul as I could be by Ritchie Blackmore or Carlos Santana. Just think about some of the finest from our time. Jimi Hendrix, John McLaughlin, Robin Trower, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Johnson, Steve Howe, Al DiMeola, the list could seem almost endless. All such incredible musicians.

Although it's very hard to pick one person or style in particular, let's remember the key words, "overall favorite".
I would probably have to say that my overall favorite would have to be Steve Morse (from Dixie Dregs fame).

Who is your favorite?
I'll say one thing for "Old Lonesome George", he sure had a nice guitar!!!
Man, there are a LOT of fantastic guitarists! Here's a few more to try on for size:
Hank Garland
Laurindo Almeida
David Russell
Joe Weed
Manuel Barrueco
David Lindley
Duane Eddy
Johnny Smith
Eddie Van Halen. He has a unique combination of vituouso muscianship to entertain the "deeper listeners" while being able to write songs that have the mass apeal of someone like Elton John.

If you really want to understand what makes the guy so good listen to Fair Warning or Girl Gone Bad and House of Pain off of 1984. He incorporates a lot of phrasing more reminscent of a jazz clarinet playerthan a straight ahead rock and roller that he is always known to be.

Unfortunaltely all the VH albums are produced terribly and will sound better in your car than in a nice home system....sigh.....
This is a nearly impossible question to answer. One's choice could easily vary from day to day...mood to mood. Nomad's mention of Brian Setzer is refreshing and true. See his Christmas Extravaganza concert if you possibly can. Simply stunning!

Ultimately, my choice of one guitarist who I can go back to again and again is Stevie Ray Vaughan. Very sad that he died so young.