HT vs. stereo pre-amps again

I've currently got both a Sunfire Theatre Grand MKII and a Perreaux SA3 stereo preamp, both of which are feeding the amp that powers my fronts (bryston 4B-NRB). It's an inconvenient setup (neither has a pass-through). Several threads here have discussed whether there are HT preamp/processors which can compete with a good stereo preamp, and if I read them correctly, the consensus is probably not. Bryston has a new processor out (SP1) which has completely separate analog and digital sections. Anyone have any experience with this unit? It's analog section is just their BP25 preamp. Alternatively, anyone have a surround processor (I'm looking maybe CAL CL2500) that really keeps up with a good analog unit?
There may be something I'm not getting about using a tape loop. Is there a difference between using the tape in and any other input? If you use the whole loop, where does the tape out go? You've got the tape out AND the main out...

Please advise.
dbw1, ya need to have *all* yer sources, including the h-t ones, plugged into the perreaux. then, run from the tape outs of the perreaux to the inputs of your processor, ie - where ewe would normally plug in your video input sources. then, when ya wanna watch a movie, your source plays thru the 2 main speakers getting signal from the perreaux, the tape outs of the perreaux send the same signal to the processor, which sends signal to the center/surround channels. while i am not into movies, myself, i see no reason why this woodn't work...

hope this helps, doug s.

ya know, now that i tink about it s'more, depending on yer processor, ewe *may* even be able to run a line from yer preamps' *main* output to yer h-t processor (if ya don't have extra main outs, then ya need a 1-into-2 rca plug). if yer processor can handle the main outs' signal, then, once ya get the wolume levels/effects adjusted, for the most part, ewe will be able to yust use the main preamps' wolume control for everyting, as it will now control the gain going to the processor.

on my main rig, i have a 4-channel audio-only surround-sound processor hooked-up to to my preamps' main outs. the processor has 20 stored programs of real venues that have been mapped for their ambient-sound characteristics. so, the surrounds only play this ambient info to give you the feel of the hall/church/club/pavillion, etc. anyway, cuz it's hooked up to the main outs, the preamps' one wolume control also controls the surrounds. of course, if i wanna adjust the level of the surrounds in relation to the main channels, i have to go to the processor's controls. i'd almost forgotten about my surround set-up - since i've gone to a toobed pre, i can't remember the last time i've used the surrounds, the 2-channel has such good soundstage, surrounds are no longer as effective as they used to be... ;~)

doug s.

If you don't want to deal with tape loops and volume mismatches just dump the Perreaux and buy an Adcom GFA-750. It is one of the better stereo preamps around bar none, and offers a dedicated HT processor loop to seemlessly integrate with your Sunfire. I think you can get one for $1200 to $1300(less whatever you get for your Perreaux) as they seem to be discounting now. McCormack's new RLD-1 also seems promising if you want to stick with solid state but don't like the Adcom for whatever reason. Someone else mentioned most of the tube alternatives, although I'll throw in Rogue as another option.

As for the pre/pro option, with so many balls still up in the air with the new formats I would not sink a lot of money into a new pre/pro. You'd have to spend a lot more to get a piece that rivals better 2-channel preamps and you have the potential risk of future incompatibility even if they say it's upgradeable(we've all heard that one before). It's just too early to jump in to a pre/pro in my opinion, especially when you can get state-of-the-art performance from the Adcom for so little while milking your excellent Sunfire unit for all it's worth until the dust settles on the new stuff. Best of luck.
