Audio Research comparison

I'd still like to get an un-biased comparison of the old Audio Research Power Amps: VT100 MkII, VT200, REF300 and the newer solid state input versions. I have heard opinions, but they have all been self serving. So I'd like to hear from someone who has really compared the two designs. Also I'm interested in the comparison of the new pre-amp designs with the older ones LS-25 Ref2 with the MkIIs.
Well I am probably going to get some heat for the following comments but feel I am entitled to make them since I am a BIG ARC fan and have owned and still do several of their products.

I believe they are on the cutting edge of tube designs. I ALSO believe that their continual upgrading is more about making changes in sound than real changes in sonic performance. Certainly their Reference products (which I have heard) represent an inprovement over their previous products. My guess is that their upgrades are very calculated and designed to keep their customers always wanting for the latest and "best". But in reality many of their upgrades are less improvements than differences. Just one man's opinion, but then again there is quite a variety of opinion on this matter as noted above. I mean the LS-5 is a great sounding pre-amp and an older design. Is there any in their stable other than their reference models maybe, that are better? Playing to the neurosis of audiophiles is my take.
The reason I have been considering upgrading my Ref2 VT200 combo is because there has been a lot of hype about how good the upgraded models are. I like the all tube gear and wanted an idea of how adding solid state inputs to their products would affect the sound. I'm sure there is improved bass and better dynamics, but is the sound really better? If they only changed the tubes, I would probably just do the upgrade, but adding transistors, I have to do some serious listening before I make any upgrades.

My take is this: if you "upgrade" you will enjoy your music less. The enjoyment of the musical experience is the bottom line of this hobby to me. Try the 6H23 NOS in your preamp and you never feel the need to "upgrade"

Good luck.
I know I'm a little off the course of this tread but... I have been thinking of selling my Ayre V3 and moveing over to the VT100 Mk1. For the reason that I have Maggie 1.6's and they really come alive with tubes. It would also be a better match for my Audible Illusions M3A and at this time I can not layout more money for the latest generation of ARC products. I have been speaking to dealers and they have been giving me every reason under the sun not to go with the Mk 1, and at least start with the Mk2. My thinking is to get the Mk1 and in a year have it upgraded to the Mk2. At this point after selling my Ayre (which is an amp I will have a hard time parting with) it will basically cost me no outlay of cash. I would love to hear from Mk1 owners out there and there experience with this amp and those who have compared the two. Thanks in advance. Gary
I've gone from the one,two and now the three.Been an AR user since the SP3 and my opinion is let you're ears be the judge....My advice to you Gmele if it means anything,go for the two and later if you like upgrade to the three.The difference from the one to the two is not minor.It is a major improvement and taking that even further is the three.Good luck........