home theatre questions

hey guys,
Im a newbie, i have a couple of questions about putting together a home theater.
Infinity Entra complete setup OR
Polk "R" series

JVC 6.1 reciever OR
Sony 6.1 reciever

thanks so much guys!
My first question is. What is your budget and what size is the room the system will be used in?
I highly recommend either the Denon receivers or the Sony ES series. I used to have a JVC receiver, albeit many years ago, and it was sonically one of the worst recievers I ever heard. The low frequency response was abysmal.
The Denon and the Sony ES are quality products. I have owned both (a Denon 3802 reciever for 2 years and a Sony ES cd player for about 12 years) and have not had a problem with either one.

Good luck with your search!
i was thinking of using the sony str e695. I can get it on ebay for about $250. They are going in an average size living room. I would like to get everything (reciever and speakers) for around $1400 or so...
For best value I would suggest that you look at B-Stock PSB Image Series Speakers. I agree with an earlier responder on Denon and Sony ES receivers. I would also add the Yamaha RX series of receivers. For a video source look for an inexpensive Panasonic DVD player. If you shop carefully and defer buying a subwoofer until a later time I believe you can put together a very satisfying home theater on your budget.