Surround processor recommendations

Well, I just got my Anthem AVM back from repair at Sonic Frontiers. Take it out of the box and it's in worse shape then when I sent it in. Unit is less then 18 months old and it's going out with the garbage.

So, I need recommendations for a new processors. I need a unit that will be used primarily for audio so sound quality is important in 2 channel. It must pass HD component video and 3 inputs would be a plus but 2 would suffice. It must also have a 12 volt trigger and balanced outputs would be great.

Processors that I am considering: adcom GTP-860, b&k ref 50, Parasound Halo C2. Unit must be new and come with manufacturers warranty.
Just curious. Which Anthem and what was wrong with it? I have the AVM 2 and it's been trouble free.
Try to listen to a sunfire theatergrand if you can, has everything on your list (I have not listened to the new model) but I am very happy with my theatergrand II.
I just bought a new pre/pro, I listen to 80/20 music/HT.

I auditioned Bryston Sp1.7, B & K ref50, Classe SSP30, Krell Showcase, and before my last pre/pro purchase(Rotel RSP-976) I had auditioned Sunfire, Rotel, Acurus, and Aragon.

In 2 channel Bryston easily bested all, Classe Second, Krell, Sunfire, and Aragon were a toss-up. Each good in its own right but not perfectly suiting my taste.

I would recommend you give Bryston a listen. Although Bryston doesnt have Video switching, it mucks up the audio by their philosphy, I agree. They do offer an outboard video switching unit if it is a must.

I havent listened to the Anthem, Adcom, or Parasound. I have only heard good things about Anthem though, sorry for your troubles. I have also heard good things about the Integra Pre/pro and a lot of folks really like the Sunfire TGs too.

In HT (DTS/DD) I really didnt noticed a huge difference between them, although each had its own presentation. ie some had more center or rear bias, some gave the impression of more forward vocals, etc. I chalk this up to setup, I feel that given time to tinker you can get all the good ones working to your own liking/tastes.

Go give 'em all a listen, and I hope you find the right one for you.