Highest B/B

Looking for the highest Bang for the Buck s.s. amp to break in a pair of inefficient speakers. Sonic quality is less important. Use tubes for all my listening anyway. Probably need minimum 150wpc @8ohms though ratings can be misleading. Have in mind Bryston 4B-ST. Any other choices ?
Thanks. Bob.
Ryllau: In my [opionion] the best B.for the B. is the Sherbourn 5/1500 amp, it's 5 x 200 separate mono amps built into one chasis. That's in 8 ohms, 5 x 300 in 4 ohms. Beat that for retail of $2000. Last year it was around $1800. and retailers said to raise there price because of there quality. And as you know, you could purchase it for much less on audiogon if you are patient. I did some research on amps before buying mine in looking for the best for the buck just like yourself now. And yeees I did purchase one and love it very much, it's my little 80# power baby. Good Luck and have fun looking and listening, that's what it's all about.
Let me get this straight. You're simply looking for a good sized amp to break in some speakers and the sonics are not important ???? The most wattage per dollar that i can think of can usually be found in a Phase Linear 400. At 200 wpc @ 8 and prices usually around 50 cents per watt, it would be hard to go wrong or do better for your situation. If your using this strictly as a burner - break in device, the 4B ST would be WAY overkill. Sean
I've got to follow Sean's lead on this one. If you are serious that you only intend to use the amp to break in a pair of speakers, why not buy an Adcom 555? It's a decent amp, cranks out 200 wpc, and can be purchased used for around $300-350.
If your not wanting to spend too much cash. There is a Classe ca100 for sale in the A'gon classifieds for only "800 something". The ca100 is a 100x2@8ohm high current design that will double down into 4ohms giving you 200w@4ohm. Bass is not a strong point of the ca100, but is an inexpensive way to burn in your inefficient speakers. When your done, you can easily resell the Classe ca100 for the same price or very close to the same price you paid. Just an option.
ryllau - wanna rent the electro aw100 i have adwertised f/s here on a-gon for $800? ;~) sonics are ackshully pretty good, even toob-lovers tink so. i presently use a matched-pair of electro's in a wertically bi-amped set-up cuz i can't afford the pair of melos mat-180's i'd *really* like! ;~) the aw100 is class a, 100wpc, 190 into 4 ohms, & puts out >80 amps of current. since no one seems to wanna buy it, mebbe i can rent it out! ;~)

regards, doug s.