magneplanar on wall HT system - anyone listen?

i'm looking for feedback on the Maggie on wall HT system. I have an apartment that I was thinking of putting up four on wall Maggie HT speakers along with their center channel speaker. Was wondering about other people's experiences with this system.

Thanks for the help.

I saw two home theater setups utilizing Maggies at T.H.E. Show in Las Vegas this past weekend but neither of them had a video component in the setup. Both were playing music only. One setup consisted of 6 of the 3.6 models. Two of the 3.6's were used for the center channel, and one for each of the 4 corners.
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Jab, the Magnepan binding posts are a little odd, but in addition to bare wire, they do accept banana plugs. - just not spades. Great products otherwise.