Balanced vs. Unbalanced Inputs

I am ready to purchase a 5 channel amp and would like advise on whether or not I should consider purchasing one with balanced ones. I mostly listen/watch dvd's and I am considering sherbourn and anthem. Going the unbalanced route saves me money on the amp.
You don't say if your source has balanced out's. If not then there's no point to an amp with balanced in's.

The benefit of balanced connections is increased noise rejection if (and a big if) all the equipment uses true balanced circuitry.

As has already been said - balanced connectors don't insure balanced electronics.
Sorry I meant to say balanced in's on the demo a amp at home line above."HEY what happened to that cool edit feature" seems like the edit feature is gone, even before another post......gues we will have to "proof read" damn!

Sorry, that should have been guess...not gues, and I should have done a big "A" on actually.....
P.S. Actually is the best word to use if you're trying to do Sean Connery...