B&K 220M vs. Ref 7250 for 2 ch.

I'm using B&K Ref7250 for music and HT. For music, is a good idea to add a pair B&K 220M mono blocks for fronts? thanks.
My fronts are Dynaudio Contour 3.3, rated 89db/w, 4 ohm, for HT is fine, but have to up the volume a little for music(classic, jazz, vocal.), what's output of 7250 for 2 channels driven? higher than 180wpcs? how is the sound of you monoblock compare to other B&K models? thanks!
The 7250 will provide the rated amps (220wpc, I believe) into 2 channels @ 8 omhs; into 4, they'll go to 350, again, I believe. Offset this with the 89db, which is one or two below the 'norm'.

It works that you set the volume for clarity and articulation: fancy words for hearing all of the music. Also, it works that HT is less precise than music: we know the music: Beethoven's sixth or Brubeck's Take Five. As such we can tell when music is 'missing'. HT is not this way; other than voice, we would only miss the big stuff.

This becomes a financial question, although less so with the reasonably-priced B&K components. If you are serious about your music: sit quietly for hours listening to Miles and other wail, soulfully counterpointed by piano: then by all means go get some headroom and articulation.

One alternative is to get another 7250, then bi-amp the Contours (if you can) in a Passive, Horizontal manner: put a Y connector comming off your pre-amp for each channel, then run the 5 channel output from one amp to the LFs of the Contours, and run the other 5 channel output to the HF. This will improve imaging, as well as ensure that the LF & HF have enough juice (and the Contours have the necessary terminals). Again, it depends on your wallet.
Another point. Several reviews have shown that B&K over-sells their specifications: that the wpc they advertise are more than what you get. I can only say that there are experts who measure these things, and most, if not all, say this. Certainly, I would not be shocked if this is true.

As you go up the food / price chain, into the Brystons, Aragons onto Theta, Krell and Mark Levinson, the opposite is the rule. These people religiously over-build everything they touch. For Example, Brystons will clip at about 18% higher than rated.

You generally get what you pay for, although not proportionally. A person's sense of value is the determining factor.

For me, my sense of value tops-out at the Brystons: they are not sexy, but they do push the drivers to precisely deliver the music and HT. Also, I am very happy with the B&Ks (AVR202, (2) 4220M).

Hope this helps.
Thanks, Mdorsam, my contour can't bi-amp, Dynaudio doesn't belive bi-amp or bi-wire, also I did home-demo of a Bryston 4B ST a week ago, found it's a little bright for me, and less airy than B&K 7250, that why I'm thinking to get a pair of 220M, and I think imaging will be better with 220M than 7250, so how do you think? what's the best price for 220M? thanks!
I did have that concern on the Contours, based on other threads that I've participated in. Oddly, B&W (I have the N802s) believes in it strongly. By the way, Thiel also things bi-wiring and bi-amping are voodoo audio-electronics.

Given the situation, the 220Ms are a great choice, as are the Aragon (Klispch web site) 8008BB; they will provide the bass control, and dedicated focus you're looking for.

Regarding Price, I've been away from it for a while. My 4220Ms were about $1,300 each, if I remember correctly.

Do Take Care.