Theta Dreadnaught vs. Earthquake Cinenova?

I am getting ready to purpose a new amp to be used strictly in my HT set, no music. I want one which will give me enough current and wattage to get every bit of sound from the movie on every channel without having to blow the roof off with volume. If anyone knows, is the Dreadnaught really worth 2 to 2 1/2 times the money of the Cinenova for HT purposes only (Used 4500 vs. 2000). Will I be able to hear every sound that I am suppose to with the Cinenova as I am sure I will with the Dreadnaught. Also if you have any other recommendations other than Sim Titan which may be less expensive and do the same thing I am looking for please list them. Thank you very much for your input. My system components listed below.

All Vandy Speakers
HT Pro 9+ Cable
Stealth CWS Interconnects
Lex. DC 1 Pre/pro
I personally own the Earthquake cinenova and have listened to the Theta Dreadnaught at my local dealer. For home theater applications, the cinenova performs almost as well as the Dreadnaught. Read the reviews at earthquakesound I don't think paying 2 and a half times is worth the money.
With the money saved buy more dvd's!
just my 2 cents...
check out these reviews
I have to admit that I love the Dreadnaught!

If your total budget is $4,500 though I think you would be best served to get the Earthquake or any other quality amp in the $2,000 to $3,000 range (Parasound, Bryston, EAD etc..) and spend the rest on a new surround processor. The DC-1 as stated above would be the week link with a Dreadnaught. If you can afford to get the Dreadnaught and a new surround processor then you would be set for a long time.

The DC-1 is great for just movies but IMHO adding the Dreadnaught to it is OVERKILL. The surround processors from Meridian and Proceed are much smoother sounding then the Lexicon and I feel the Meridian does a better job on movies too.

I agree with Brainwater and my experience with changing out my MC-1 to a Proceed then Meridian was the best move I ever made for HT and music improved dramatically as well.

The amp is very important but don't forget the pre-amp.

Good luck
Thanks so much to everyone for your response. Do you think the Meridian 565 would be good with the Theta and a big improvement over the DC 1 for both movies and music? Everything else from Meridian is just out of my price range at the moment, especially if I buy the Theta. Thanks again for your help.
I think the amp you are looking for is the CINEPRO 3K6SE GOLD. Your application is the exact niche it was designed for. It has incredible power and dynamics, but also is incredibly quiet, and detailed. They are $8,000 amps , and are selling for about $4K right now. Ask anyone who has one. They usually never buy another amp.
There's one selling here now for 3400.00. They sold new for 7500. Extremely quiet and powerful. 500 watts time 5. The best part is that the amp does not run nearly as hot as conventional amps. It has s digital switching power supply. Extremely detailed and great bass control. The Dreadnaught can not match it for bass control by a long shot though it is a fine amplifier. I auditioned both but strongly prefered the Cal audio MCA.