B&K avr307

I was thinking about buying a new receiver for my surround sound system. My current receiver just retired. So was at the store tonight. I was checking out the Yamahas, Onkyos, and Harmon Kardons. I saw a B&K avr507, when the salesperson described the features I was overwhelmed. I really liked the idea of being able to upgrade the unit off the internet. I can't really afford the 507, but see the 307 used in my price range. I checked out the reviews on audio reviews.
Are these receivers as good as I was told my this salesperson? Anyone owners out here, might be able to add anything? Comments suggestions?

Thanks to all that reply!
I've had alot of stuff (up to $80,000 in two channel high end) and I think this (AVR307) was the best rcvr on the market. It does everything VERY well. I have not compared it to the 507, but it blew away the Denon and everything else I put it up against.....A smokin bargin!!!
I have just had the factory (507) upgrade done on my 307. It is now an AVR 317. The upgrade cost $465, so if you can get a 307 at a good price and can afford the upgrade in the future, it's well worth it. The 507 has a few valuable features the 307 doesn't. It has Pro Logic II or Neo:6 and room gain adjustments for your sub. Overall, the B&K is one of the best receivers around. Perhaps the only two receivers that are better are the new Arcam ( higher end but not by much and less power) and the Sunfire Ultimate (hit & miss with all Sunfire products). I've owned Sony ES, Marantz Reference Standard and I brought home Denon and Integra to test. No contest. I'll keep upgrading my B&K until I have the room for separates. BUY THE B&K. If you've got more questions, you can find me at mt10425 on Audiogon.
The 307 has more features than most people will ever use and has plenty of power. I have been very happy with mine. B&k in my opinion is a rock solid product. I will probably not even upgrade my unit, because my set up sounds good the way it is.