AppleTV work with USB DAC?

Can an AppleTV modified via some software to enable and use
its USB Port to output digital audio to an external USB-DAC?

I've been searching the internet for this answer. I know the
MacMini will allow this but I like the "fanless" AppleTV for
quietness and small size.


Have a look at the above link Tom. They are the fellas over in Hong Kong who did the usb filter mod on the ATV. They also do comparisons using a DAC1 and Krell 400xi.
Tom, I've been extremely happy with a Van Den Hul Optocoupler connecting Airport Express to my DAC. The only thing that bugs me is having to use a cheap plastic mini-adaptor to make it work. The one I have came from Parts Express. The connection doesn't feel as solid as I want it to. If anyone can recommend a better solution, please let me know! I wish Apple would just add a standalone Toslink, but I doubt that will happen.