Need suggestion instead of a Beosound 3200

Hi everyone, I am new to the whole scene and really enjoy A'Gon. I am seeking some assistance on finding if there is anything better/preferable to the Bang & Olufson Beosound 3200 cd player system for the same or lower price. (Ideally in the $1500 - $3000). I hope to get a used one but really have not read much about B&O on this site and wondered why? Or are there better products for the same price. Thanks.
Elevick, I am starting from scratch. I am planning to build up a proper system over time. Currently I have the basic Best Buy/mainstream products that are not even that impressive in that league anymore.
Best buy sells some decent mid level stuff sometimes. I'd really push the denon 2200 dvd since it sounds great as dvd/sacd/cd and eliminates the need for a cd. You will have to spend quite a few bucks more to top it. You may even want to consider something like an underwood modified 2200 for around $1200 which will keep up with anything. You can always have the mod done later when more money appears.
If you have nothing to speak of now, you have to start somewhere. Pick you least liked piece and start upgrading there. If you are going home theater, remember to keep you center and fronts matched. Also, don't skimp on a sub-it will help to support the whole system by filling in what the speakers can't plus it will ease the load on the amp.
My final advice is 2 items: 1-buying amps, subs and speakers used is usually great. But, receivers, HT pre-amps and dvd players is more questionable which leads to #2 2-future proofing. HT receivers and dvd's seem to be upgraded every 6 months. This allows you to get great deals but makes things seem obsolete much quicker. However, if you get a 6 month old piece or a dealer demo for 1/2 price, sometimes it's worth it. Again that's why seperate can be nice. Amplifiers don't get obsolete usually which only leaves the pre to upgrade (keep in mind that the extra interconnects add up to a nice chunk of change).
Thanks for the comprehensive advise. I really will take your two pointers to heart as it is exactly what I needed to know. I at least feel like I am more informed now to start building up my first real system. Now how much can I get my wife to agree to spend!!
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