Multi-Format Disc Player with HDMI

Any suggestions on a high-end, multi-format disc player with HDMI output? Any idea on when one might be coming out? Must be able to play SACD, DVD-Audio, CD and DVD.

A Denon 3910 would be one possibility --- they're out in some part of the U.S. and Canada now, and should be getting most everywhere within a week or so (depending on whether you believe what you hear from retailers :-)). Crutchfield and Tweeter are taking pre-orders.
I’m curious if DVI isn’t enough for you?? As you hopefully are aware, DVI and HDMI are easily interconverted with a simple adapter, the only real difference is that HDMI also carries audio, which I’d like to think anyone on this site is feeding to something other than their projector or TV. If that is the case for you, my recommendation would be the Esoteric DV-50s (or buy a DV-50 and wait the few weeks until the upgrade is available). This is a phenomenal CD player, does DVD-A and SACD MC as well, and also is a superb DVD player….basically it does it all very well, and the ‘s’ version has a DVI out. Like I said, if you need HDMI, a simple adapter plug will switch the DVI->HDMI (minus the audio that I hope you don’t need!)