McCormack MAP-1 update

I had posted here about a month ago with concerns about integrating this unit to pass bass to a biamped system in both 2 ch and multichan. Your responses that I could use simple Y-splitters to accomplish what I wanted were very helpful, and I was encouraged to post a follow-up. (the original thread seems to have been deleted).

I did buy the MAP-1 and am using Y-splitters to pass signal from the LF and RF outs to both high and low freq amps with fine success. Steve McCormack also checked in with me to ensure that all my questions were answered, which was deeply appreciated.

The sound quality of this unit in my system has exceeded my high expectations. I have had a tubed preamp for 2 channel, and thought the MAP-1 would be unlikely to supplant it for stereo. However, the MAP has proved to be every bit as musical and involving, while astonishing me with much more resolution of detail, and eliminating listening fatigue which I had previously thought a speaker issue. If there is anything that the tubed unit does better, I haven't identified it yet because I'm enjoying the McCormack too much to do further A/B right now.
Great to hear of your success, but it would be nice to know which tube preamp you are comparing with the MAP-1. I too am thinking about a MAP-1 but it is hard to imagine it bringing on the magic of a tube preamp like my BAT 31SE or previously owned, ARC LS5 III. Some tube preamps are absolutely phenomenol and others are downright terrible so knowing which model you are talking about would give the readers here a reference point.
Sorry!I don't know how I overlooked that. Preamp noted is Counterpoint SA5000. It has certainly brought lots of magic to my listening, and I was frankly unprepared for how little I might miss it with the MAP doing all duties.

Now that I've had a couple weeks of fun with the MAP's "magic" of involving, musical detail without fatigue or edge, I am due to go back for further critical A/B with an ear toward identifying anything I might be giving up. I wanted to get a word out about my initial succes with the MAP, but will post another followup in this thread within a week after more comparison.