Blu-Ray and HD DVD

I want to upgrade my dvd player and there are a lot of nice choices out there right now. However, I'm concerned that whatever I buy now will be obsolete in a few months when blu ray (HD DVD?) hits the market. Am I missing something or is now the time to wait instead of plunking down serious cash on a player that isn't HD compatible? Also, am I mistaken in thinking that blu-ray = HD DVD?
Thank for the info Albert. I had read about this a couple years ago, but forgot the specifics.

Brue raser is better than red raser.
The blue laser has a shorter wave than the red allowing for a far more precise reading, but as promising as it is blu-ray is not over the line yet...just because it's superior to the HD-DVD it also requires complete factory re-tooling whereas the (red) HD-DVD requires only partial re-tool (not the only reason), I read this format war was likley to be decided by Hollywood but last year Disney came out and will be backing Blu-Ray while Warner (?) or some other major studio(s) would be backing HD-DVD.
If anyone is interested to learn more or see a few players has all the info you could want.
Actually, blu-ray was co-developed by the Blue Man Group and the Smurfs once in a blue moon ;^)