Monitors or floorstander to match Velodyne DD15?

I just ordered a DD-15 to be used in a setup that will be 60/40 music/HT and am looking for frontspeakers.

My room is 22' X 13' X 8'. I'm also shopping for electronics and will likely end up with an upgraded Anthem AVM-20 and perhaps an Arcam amp. I have diverse musical tastes: Jazz, clasasic rock, Classical and pop. I don't plan on spending more than $4,000 on fronts and would be happy to spend less.

With the bass response of the DD-15s I'm thinking my priority with fronts will be on everything but bass response. Is my assumprion justified? If it is, will I do better with monitors than floorstanders? And finally, what speakers, new or used, would you match with setup?
Jonsher, as always there are tradeoffs when using one or two subs. Provided the subwoofer cabinet is well braced and has no resonances and that you blend it well with the satellites, you can use a single subwoofer and never notice its contribution to the sound. I have done that with RELs many times for myself and for friends, even with difficult speakers like Quads. I am sure it can be done with one DD-15.

By the way, bass foundation is only one of the advantages or subwoofers, the other is improved soundstage due to the ambience cues that were previously hidden in very low frequencies. You can read more about minimonitors and subwoofers at my blog here (scroll down). Both articles are targeted at new audiophiles but the basics are sound, I believe.

As you will see there, I am a fan of small high-quality monitors and subwoofers instead of floorstanders at a similar price point.
Thanks for the info guys.

I'd like to try stereo subs as well, but at this point it might not be practical. Because of my room size I'll probably one day go with one DD-12 which will service both a 2 channel and a HT system.

Jonsher, as far as monitors that will work for both a music and home theater system, you might want to also look into the Tyler Acoustic Linbrook Signature Monitor. While I've never heard them, they seem like great candidates because of their well reviewed musical character and power handling capability. I use NHTs for home theater and ProAcs for music, but if I were searching for a speaker to serve double duty, the Tylers would definitely be one place I'd look.
Vladimir- Thanks for your response and the link to your blog. Your theories have a certain aestetic appeal. Doesn't make them necessarily right although the better solutions often seem to to be attractively simple. Do you recommend any minimonitors in particular?