Worst Audio Injury !!

Anyone ever get physically injured because of your stereo? I was installing interconnects a couple years back and stood up quickly and hit my head on the corner of one of the shelves.I got a half inch gash on my forehead that seemed to bleed forever.When I switched from digital to vinyl I was used to the easy storage of CD's.I had my LP"s on the floor and one day went to bend down to get a LP out of the crate and tripped and hit my knee on the cornerof the crate.My knee still isnt right.And you?
My posting was meant to be funny (about Best Buy and Bose) you guys, especially Zootallures and Jeffloistarca, deserve some compassion. Injury's like the ones you describe would haunt me, awake or asleep, for the rest of my life!
The series of blows as initiated by my wife's flying fists that I receive every time I upgrade, you know the injury- accompanied by the statement "What Is THAT? Is that NEW?!!"... whack!!!
Thanks for the compassion, Albertporter. I still have to sleep with the nightlite on (and I'm 44). By the way, Avguygeorge, if I decide to try this again I am going to get a pay-per-view contract first for all to enjoy!