Best Full Range Speakers @ Around $2000?

I'm looking to put together a "small" system for my den (Int.Amp, CD Player, Speakers) I have a pair of Alon I Loudspeakers that I'm considering using, but they now seem a bit too colored to my ears, especially in the upper bass. I have a Marantz CD-63SE that I'll be using as my CD source. So I just need an Int. Amp and a set of full range speakers that are VERY EASY TO PLACE. My den is about 16 X 20 x 8. My budget for each is around $2000. Any favorites?
And yes, just in case my humor gets lost here, I know it's "ciao".....I just find allot of this stuff "chow" for thought. Ciao, for now!
I heard a pair of Vandersteen 2ce Signatures at around $1600 that sounded as good as the electronics on them, and when the electronics weren't the greatest the Vandy's didn't punish me. Very impressive, musical, and lot's of music for the money.
Deborah: Can you change your listening position? In other words it seems that you need to address the accoustic situation that you have are the speakers with the long or short wall behind? If you can get a test tone cd with a tone close to that and a SPL meter you might find the chair/speaker position that improves response in that troubled range as usual the typical compromise will be reached..... If the room accoustics is the problem the situation might still happening with other speakers as well. For checking check that your speaders are not placed at same distance from side/back wall because that produces problems. Also consider placing the speaker diagonally to see what happens. Regards
Thanks everyone! Sol322, I'm sure you are correct on all counts. My main system is in a dedicated room with full acoustic treatment from ASC, and the difference between the treated and non-treated room is profound. In fact,I feel that an acoustically correct environment is the MOST important "component" in a hi-rez system. But, alas, I can not accomplish much in my den due to aesthetic restraints. I already take up too much room in my home, and the den needs to function like, well, a den! Even with careful placement, the Alon speakers have poor in-room response, and I too now believe that ANY full range speaker I place in this room will perform poorly. So to that end, I've been auditoning mostly smaller monitor speakers. My favorite so far has been the Dunlavy SC-I; it has very little output (mesured in room response) below about 80Hz, and sounded wonderful when mated with a REL Strata III subwoofer and VTL integrated amp. The REL is positioned for the smoothest bass response, and the Dunalavy's for the cleanest midrange/trebble response. The system was very satisfying on a variety of program material, and since my whole family will be using this rig, that is important. Now if I could only find an SOLID STATE integrated amp that sounds nearly as sweet as the VTL, I might be in business (my husband complained that the den felt like it had a coal stove in it with the heat generated by the VTL, and since this is a non-critical listening system, he pleaded with me to stick with solid state; He also feels, and perhaps rightfully so, that our den system should be reliable and maintenance free)Anyway, I'll be trying some more speaker/amp combos this weekend; if anyone has any favorites, please let me know. With you in the music, Deborah.
I would try out some Totem Model 1 signatures. They are sensitive to aiming less than placement (off axis response is just plain weird with them). They are wonderfully detailed though and are worth a listen if nothing else. The other option that I would at least investigate is the Nautilous 805 from B&W. I always think of it and the Model one as being almost exact peers, just with different personalities.