Best Low Volume System

There seems to be a lot of discussion about crappy equipment needing volume to sound impressive vs. the low level resolving power of certain electrostatics. I live in a small apartment and I am generally limited to low volumes although I enjoy a wide variety of music including 70's rock and roll. Can anyone recommend any components they have enjoyed under these circumstances?
Drubin: The thread is titled "Attenuator Puzzles" and I assume that the company that they discuss is the same as the modified preamp that a friend of mine owns as he mentioned that the designer just had a good review of one of his preamps in a stereo mag. His Marantz 7C had the volume pot mod done to it. I love the sound of the old Quads even in stock form but we should also mention how small the listening area/spot is.
Ok we're talking BIG-BIG bucks,but here it is: Jadis 300-B,and the J1 horn speaker+ the millions it takes to bring out their capabilities.
I've also had great results with electrostats (Audiostatic ES100s driven by a Jolida 502a tube amp) at low volume. It seems to me that they fill the room with sound at low volume better than dynamic speakers (perhaps due to the extremely large surface area of the drivers moving more air). Anyone else have the same/different impression?