High on Thier List, But Low on Yours

Is there any piece of equipment out there that a lot of audiophiles and reviewers like or love that you think is, ummm, crappy?
Thanks for reminding me about VTL John_l. I am in complete agreement with you on that. I really have put forth an effort into liking both Audio Research and VTL power amps. But always found them cold, analytical, and crystalline. That is not to say those adjectives cannot be applied in a positive way(Electrocompaniet or new Musiscal Fidelity). Just that AR and VTL are to me the definition of the dark side of those descriptions(lots off ss amps are as well). I generally think many who buy them really prefer the sound of solid state, but like the cache of tubes. Pride of ownership. They do not have the sound that justifies a tube purchase to me. If I did like that sound, I would buy solid state equipment instead.
hey Trelja. VTL actually makes me feel 'chilled' when I listen to it, but I like the ARC stuff. I guess it's splitting hairs. ARC equipment is very accurate, but it does have a warmth to it. I find that using my arc phono stage with my arc amp, I get very 'alive' sound. There is clarity, but also a little extra thrown in. I am in complete agreement that some of the new 'more accurate' tube stuff is just way too sold state sounding for me. What's the point ? I own both tubes and solid state. I can tell you I would rather not have the cost of tubes but do indeed prefer their sound.

Oh, and to add to my 'not all that' list: Expensive CD playback systems. I just don't hear that much difference between a $2-3000 cd player and an $8000 transport/DAC. It's there, but it's probably the worst cost/performance ratio I've heard. I think problem is more the limitations of the format rather than anything that 'nth degree' equipment can do. This is compared to upgrading your speakers or amp.
Hello John_l. I should rethink what I have said about AR preamps. I actually had one. I liked it. I am OK with them. Still wouldn't buy one of the power amps. That's when I go solid state. Sunfire, Jeff Rowland, Musical Fidelity, and Electrocompaniet all are more to my liking. I guess the AR power amps do sound better when mated to their preamps. Can't blame them for that. They are designing their own synergy into the match. We are at fault if the components do not work together properly. It is our job to find pieces that match each other.
I find Cello to lack any kind of musicallity. Things that have offended me, any peice of equipment that uses self threading screws. Any recording that says AAD, youv'e gone analog through the first two chains, why go digital now. As for the rest of my list see Trelja's first post.
The Reference 3M DeCappo.Everytime i listen to it it makes me wonder what the deal is on it.