best all around monitor

regardless of price, musical tastes, room restrictions, ss., or tubes, what is the best sounding reference monitors?
From my experience, I recommend the Merlin VSM-SE. They're floor standing, but really nothing more than monitors with good bass response.
Choices, choices and still more choices. My vote for a really nice monitor (current model) would be the Coincident Triumph Signature - nice build, very easy to drive, maybe a little pricy by some standards but non-the-less a good buy IMHO. I also like the Platinum Audio "Solo" - super bass response for such a small speaker but can be harder to drive (85 dB spl if memory serves me right). I really like these alot and they can be found (rarely) used for around $750.
I have used the merlin vsm se's the sonus faber electa amator 1's and am now listening to the JM Reynaud Offrandes. All really nice (I use quality tube gear ) The JM Reynauds are my favorite in my system. They are extremly musical and do what I think a great speaker should. They are priced reasonably for there quality at $4100/pr. They therefore get my vote.
The nOrh Marble 9 ($3000.00) followed closely by the Marble 7 ($2000.00). TNT Audio reviewed and called the Marble 9 the finest 2-way on the planet.