What is the meaning of a true audiophile

To me, a true audiophile is one who constantly seeks acoustic utopia with non-utopian resources(=time & money).
As opposed to a Stereophile. an Audiophile is one whose software (LPs, CD's, Tapes, etc.) collection costs more than his hardware.
I guess Im no audiophie as my system retails for about $12000.00 but I only have invested about $1000 in software.Many of my Lp's were free or I paid anywhere from a dime to a buck each.I have some "audiophile" LP's and have been collecting Japanese imports,Nautilus 1/2 speeds and MOFI's.I have close to 2500 LP's all collected in the last 4 years.I bought 3000 LP's last summer for 50 bucks and have sold many on eBay.I have kept the best! Even though I have only about $1000 invested in LP's I just call it smart shopping!
I think an audiophile is simply one who listens to equipment, rather than music.
A favorite quote of mine on this subject was by David 99: "audiophiles are neurotic, two channel, sweetspot loners". I really think that quote showed a lot of humorous insight. If I got it wrong David, please feel free to chew me out:>) Cheers. Craig.