What is the meaning of a true audiophile

To me, a true audiophile is one who constantly seeks acoustic utopia with non-utopian resources(=time & money).
A customer of mine who knows that i have great interests in music and audio gear once asked me if i was a music lover or an audiophile ??? I asked them to clarify what their understanding of the two terms were. He said "in terms of reproduction of sound, "music lovers" typically lean towards systems that have warmth, body, pace and are smooth whereas "audiophiles" look for more "detail" and lean towards brighter, more revealing electronics. They also tend to change gear more often than the music lover does". While i would not completely agree with his definitions, i think that they do offer some very keen insight into our "hobby". Needless to say, i was pretty amazed that a "commoner" who owns a "rack system" could "speak the speak" and understand what he was saying. I told him that at this point in time, i am kind of a "hybrid" of the two. I definetly like the warmth, body and pace part of the "music lover" but that i'm also interested in being able to hear as much "detail" without making my ears bleed. In order to find the right combination of the two genres, i was "swapping components" on a pretty regular basis, hoping to find that "magic combination" of gear once and for all. I think he understood where i was coming from and has since inquired several times about the various systems that i have in my house. The good thing is that i think that he's getting curious enough about all of this stuff to try it out for himself : ) Sean
HAHHAHAHAhAh !!!! Djjd was posting that at the same time i did mine. That one kicks ass !!!! Sean
1) Anyone who would rather listen to Manheim Steamroller's Fresh Aire Holiday album than Miles Davis. 2) When listening, anyone whose face looks like an emergency room Doctor examining a trauma patient rather than someone who is blissful and happy listening to music 3)Anyone who has ever said: "You may have never heard of Manheim Steamroller, but this is a GREAT recording 4) Anyone who would rather make 700 adjustments to VTA, speaker toe-in, listening chair placement and volume rather than sit still and listen to an entire piece of music. 5) Anyone who relentlessly preaches the superiority of their single ended triode voodoo wimp system emblazoned with tacky logos and made by some underfunded garage manufacturer 6)Anyone who has ever purchased a Shun Mook product 7) Anyone who can't afford Shun Mook products after their rent, despite the fact that they are, obviously, one of the world's foremost, towering geniuses. 9) Anyone who thinks that a Linn LP-12, a Denon A/V receiver or a Shahinian Obelisk sounds "musical". 10) Anyone who has ever purchased Krell