Best component ever for the ...

I nominate the Absolute Power Cord from as the best audio component ever for the money.

I have had this $40 power cord in my system for 48 hrs+ and am astounded by its performance and value.

I would appreciate if posters to this thread post only positive nominations or constructive commentary, positive or negative, regarding the nominations.

As noted on another thread regarding the Absolute Power Cord, I am not a shill for this company but an extremely satisfied customer. Also noted in the other thread, I would like to see the importer of this product prosper. If you would like to argue over any of the points mentioned in this paragraph please do so on the other post.

These power cords truly are amazing.

God bless.
I made squares out of a self hardening clay. I made two sizes (that I stack) the larger are 1.5 X 1.5 X .5 inches and the smaller ones are .75 X .75 X .5 inches. between the squares I insert a piece of "foamtastic" for dampening purposes. The total cost: 66 cents for a 8 inch X 11 inch sheet of foamtastic and 8 bucks for 10 pounds of clay. So I gues the total is around a buck for everything. (10 pounds of clay will make at least 50 squares) I have compared these homemade items with other isolation devices nad find I prefer the sound of my homemade setup. I'm not sure this is what you wanted but I'm happy.
Emily, interesting. Where, in particular, do you use the DIY isloation squares? My contribution: take empty cigarillo (or flat cigarette) boxes, bore a hole, and thread cables through them. An effortless way of keeping power cords away from signal cables, etc.
Wellfed, is your power cord actually blessed by God? Wow, that is a bargain at any price! I guess one has to take time out from healing the sick and punishing sinners to push a little commerce. Can god make snake oil so slick that even he can't see through it?
Viridian, I think most here, especially the Audiogon staff would agree that it is best not to address your off topic request on this forum. If you care to discuss your concerns privately I would be happy to do so.

Emily, Estrnad, and Gregm, your posts are exactly the type of discussion I had hoped to elicit with this post and I thank you for them.

God bless.