Lets fight Part2

I wuold like to know, Who it is that always likes to give negative votes for no reason at all? If its because I always praise the same product then thats because I giving my honest opinion. Audiophiles are like equipment if you ask them what they think we interject what we like best, So we all have our own sonic characteristics and will portray what we feel inside. so to all you negative voters either STEP UP OR SHUT UP!!! If you dont want to reveal your self then dont vote..
It's idotic threads like this that have largely made Audiogon a waste of time for me. SOS... again and again. I know that it's my choice whether to read specific threads or just keep scrolling, but it seems that there's just not much worth reading these days. This is prime example of where this site has gravitated to...

if you have (had) the ability to listen to an opinion such as given by Bill E and ChstoB, as well as you seek and give self affirming opinions on Levinson gear you'd save yourself a lot of undue anger and stress.
I've boycotted the voting since its start (except at first when I accidently stumbled on it, sorry to whomever I voted for). If you say something good or bad I'll let you know. There, thats my promise. I challenge any other members to do the same and we can get on with making this forum open with divergent opinions. Regards,
Audiogon established the rules, and the rating system to help govern conduct on their forum. I suggest you contact them about your complaints. Craig
Ok. From now on it's rules by Lev335. This is the one and only time I will address a post like this. It is a waste of time, boring and anything but about music. Do you crave attention or what? You have to know you are going to get negative responses with your post. If you have nothing of interest to say, you might take your own advice and SHUT UP.