Lets fight Part2

I wuold like to know, Who it is that always likes to give negative votes for no reason at all? If its because I always praise the same product then thats because I giving my honest opinion. Audiophiles are like equipment if you ask them what they think we interject what we like best, So we all have our own sonic characteristics and will portray what we feel inside. so to all you negative voters either STEP UP OR SHUT UP!!! If you dont want to reveal your self then dont vote..
i'm with jim and bbloom. AudigoN has become little more than a politically correct, dumbed-down chat room for crybabies and those too stupid to know how stupid their queries are. the syops of AudiogoN keep telling us how there are so many new participants and posters since they've instituted their inane, beauty pageant rating system. so what? where's the beef in all these new posts? how many more threads must we endure that begin with the same "what's the difference between..." questions? i say we each give ALL such BS posters, as well as those ultracrepidarian jackanapes like lev335, -2,-2 ratings. that's one way, born of anarchist ideology, to discourage all of AudiogoN's vaunted "new posters" and "thread authors" from participating in these discussions and making them as tasteless as pablum. cmon' AudiogoN, you promised me two weeks ago that we would see a new, improved ratings syatem "soon." where the hell is it? -kelly
Lev 335 has a habit of sending vulgar E-mail to those who differ with his totally one-sided views. When he sent me such a charming E-mail, I killfiled him in my e-mail software, as well as lodged a complaint with his ISP regarding his vulgar and unwanted ramblings.

As to the "points" scale here, I do not believe in it, nor do I use it, though I have seen it used against me, and I suspect I know who that individual is!

regards and enjoy the music!

Well LEV335, now I know why you're having a problem. You post this thread, get your answer then go offline to dun those who have answered your question. I enclose your email for others to read "in context" with the thread.

Bill E.

Lev335@earthlink.net wrote:

Iam far from arrogant. I just say what I feel.And when someone asks what gear they like the best I
say levinson because out of all the gear I have owned through out the years I like the Levinson the
best. I never said that anything other than levinson is no good, There is alot of great gear out there
and when you get to the level of quality of what we have you reach the point of diminishing
returns. Yes there is better. Day and night. no. So in saying what I feel is arrogant to you than I
apologize. DEAL WITH IT.

Sent by member : Lev335
Gey Lev335, you have made many friends I see. I see what your saying in your email to lakefrontroad, BUT you could have left out the "deal with it" comment and your little email to him may have been a true apology with no hurt feels. You may want to round you edges a tad bit, but who am I to say. I like the rest of you, am not perfect.
People Iam just tired of having to defend what I like to people. We all love audio. We all love what we own.(I hope)So to like one brand of audio more than another is a bad thing? No. Thats why there are so many audio manufactures. To please everyones tastes. I like alot of gear on the market today and just because I dont praise it doesnt mean I dont respect it or the person who owns it.. There are so many people out there with nothing better to do, So they wait and bash other peoples thoughts and ideas into the ground. Well people should give honest input or none at all. (including myself)