Lets fight Part2

I wuold like to know, Who it is that always likes to give negative votes for no reason at all? If its because I always praise the same product then thats because I giving my honest opinion. Audiophiles are like equipment if you ask them what they think we interject what we like best, So we all have our own sonic characteristics and will portray what we feel inside. so to all you negative voters either STEP UP OR SHUT UP!!! If you dont want to reveal your self then dont vote..
paulwp: thanx for the respone but, actually, there have reputedly been filters in place for some time that read off ip addresses. strange thing, tho, they are, according to a'gon's syops, only applied "periodically." i know: go figure. -kelly
Well I guess we all can't play fair in the sandbox. I just read tireguys thread on best value speaker. And replied on what I personnally liked for speakers. Someone out there gave me a -2, -2 for something "I enjoyed??" Being in the military so long I'm not used to cowards hiding in the bushes. If you have something negative to say to me, then say it; I'm a man and can handle it, are YOU????? Well send all the negs you want, I'm not into your childish games. If you didn't like my choice of speaker selection the proper response would have been explaining why you feel my choice of speaker is not to your liking. Maybe that would have been more productive in helping people look for speakers. No, I'm not mad, just thought we were all here to learn from one anothers experiences. And I do appreciate the ones out there who have shared there knowledge with me, you have saved me money and time and eventually I can do the same for others. So on that note I am done with this. Have a great day, pete
cornfed - i, too, asked a-gon when the woting nonsense wood end, or at least change. they said it wood change soon, but that it woodn't end, cuz, tho they've gotten complaints from the likes of ewe-n-me, they've also gotten *more* support. ?!? from WHERE?!? the support i've heard is tentative at best, & wery little of it. so, c'mon guys, write a-gon & COMPLAIN!!! a few days ago, i got ~120 negative wotes - w/in a few minutes' time. i asked a-gon about that, too - no response...

doug *where's a good audio chat-site?* sedon

Doug, that's what I was told when I complained as well. Something to the effect that they have more traffic now. All I see is these silent idiots that love to dish out negative votes for no reason. I guess on a positive note, maybe this is keeping these ass-wipes from setting a forest fire somewhere. I say quality over quantity. AudiogoN seems to think otherwise, and it's their show.
yup, dan - i believe ewe hit the nail on the head. a perusal of my comments on similar threads indicates my belief that a-gon likes the woting cuz it garners more *hits* on their site. but, i believe this will backfire on them in the long run, as those w/any worthwhile contributions will ewentually tire of the bs...

regards, doug s.