Party At Albertporter s

A recent thread mentioned the idea of auditioning various members systems to see if we're on the right track. I volunteer Albert since he spent the most. And since I spent least, I'll do the dishes. Care for a canape?
Hey, I just saw this, and did not realize I had company coming. I really need to vacuum the rug before everyone sees the crumbs from breakfast.

Here is a starter list of items that we're going to need :

Software: Any that sounds good, preferably LP, but I can spin CD and SACD too (no cassettes please).
Chairs: Yep, if all of you are really coming, I don't have enough seating.
Glasses: A few extra plates and dinnerware too, we have setting for eight or ten, add accordingly.
Cones: No, not for under the gear! The bright yellow ones for the street, not enough room in my drive.

If someone is really bringing a keg, we might need a Porta Potty, or is that a Porter Potty in this case? Looks like the list might need to be added to as we get closer to D day (demo day).
Cones? I had hoped they were ice cream cones! I promise not to drip on the LPs.