Care to share your scams?

There's a current scammer alert thread about a scammer from H.K. Care to share your scams (more precisely , your scammeds)? Doesn't have to be in audio either and leave the
biggest scam of all, the stock market, out of it.
My worst one was 12 years ago in the hands of a 'friend' from Texas (friends are usually the best scammers ) who showed me tons of great oil exploration reports from an oilfield his family just acquired. I knew nothing about drilling for oil , just that he was a friend ! Anyway, in audio terms, it's a WAMM down the drain. I just never learn:"when it looks too good...
hey bigpoppa i've been told by a few people who work in the computer field that it's the absolute worst industry right now for mail fraud. id advise everyone to heed ...krell's warning and buy computer gear locally.
Care to explain how you know several people that have bought speakers out of the back of vans? What brands? When? Why didn't your friends recognize they were not overstocked and were in fact likely stolen? Or is it fair to presume your buds knew that it was too good to be true and thus willingly enjoyed the fruits of crime. Are you thus a witness after the fact? Or before even? Don't hesitate to take the fifth as I would if I were in your predicament.
Those damn trashy looking, sweet talking girls...ahhhh they get me every time. I just wanted to have "a good time" like they offered, who would have thunk it was against the law.
as i've mentioned before, i useta prosecute telemarketers and the like but now i defend 'em (anybody who can afford it deserves the best legal advice available). one of my more problematic (in as many ways as you can imagine) clients has recently come up with the ultimate chutzpa of telemarketed products: membership on state-supported "do not call" lists. you can probably hear the script in your head: "how would you like to avoid getting annoying calls like mine? well, have i got a deal for you........." -kelly
I have been contacted by your boy there Cornfed, or one just like him. I recall laughing hysterically for a long time after hanging up thinking it was the funniest prank call I had ever heard.