Care to share your scams?

There's a current scammer alert thread about a scammer from H.K. Care to share your scams (more precisely , your scammeds)? Doesn't have to be in audio either and leave the
biggest scam of all, the stock market, out of it.
My worst one was 12 years ago in the hands of a 'friend' from Texas (friends are usually the best scammers ) who showed me tons of great oil exploration reports from an oilfield his family just acquired. I knew nothing about drilling for oil , just that he was a friend ! Anyway, in audio terms, it's a WAMM down the drain. I just never learn:"when it looks too good...
pbb: now, that's where a wife comes in handy. (wink, wink. nudge, nudge. knowwhatimean, knowwhatimean?) -cfb
The scam goes on in Montreal too. A TV show exposing various scams brought a pair to what I think I recognized as a high end shop here that sells, inter alia, Audio Research, for an opinion as to the quality of this junk and they found the quality to be horrendous, not even on par with the type of stuff found at similar prices in places like Best Buy. And we quibble on these pages about the nth degree of imaging. I think the guy said that the cabinet was more suitable as a box for the cat than as an enclosure for speakers.
Care for some Euroscam? Well here goes: Those guys, who are urgently in need of cash, because granny is in hospital and has no medical aid, so they'll sell you their new leather jacket, or their Rolex or those little one ounce gold bars for practically nothing. All fakes of course and the more greedy you get, the more you'll be had.
And then some Texas scam, which happened to me this year: That nice lady of that rare female audiophile breed I thought, who after some research later turned out to be a guy, no longer here at Audiogon and who took me for three pairs of Bybees, which never arrived of course.