Is Your System Better Than the Music You Like?

I've recently come to the conclusion that the capabilities of my audio system exceeds the quality of my typical recordings. It's making me rethink any ideas I had involving future upgrades. Just wondering if anyone else has reached this point?

I have what most people would consider a very high quality system, but by no means is it a SOTA setup. The system is made up of components by JRDG, REL, Martin-Logan, MSB, Sony, TACT, RPM, Discovery, PS Audio and Benz. I have a decent room and while I won't say I'm obsessive about it, I've paid a reasonable amount of attention to setup issues. The overall sound quality is quite good. Still there's always room for upgrades. I could upgrade the DAC to a Plus, switch the subwoofer cables, add an Arcici stand, maybe go with an outboard tube phono preamp, etc. I could easily put another $10,000 into the system in worthwhile improvements without fundamentally changing the character or capabilities of the system.

Musically, I'm a basic old-school rocker. Anything from 50s New Orlean R&B, Motown, 60s psychedelia, 70s punk & funk to 80s rap. The 90s are less well represented, but there are smatterings. I'm a big Chicago style electric blues fans. I'm also a big classic jazz fan. I go for Ellington big-big-time, Billie Hoilday, Louis, 50s Blue Note and Miles. There's some classical as well as a couple of country artists (you can't go wrong with Dwight).

I have any number of audiophile quality pressings and recordings, but the majority of my music, particularly my favorite recordings, are down and dirty with no pretensions towards audiophilia. The 30s jazz that I so love is noisy, bandwidth limited and mono. The Chess blues recordings have a very nice aliveness to them, but they're mainly mono and without much deep bass. Most 60s to 70s rock is sonically undistinguished (obviously there are exceptions) and is more mid-fi than hi-fi. Rap is purposely lo-fi. Current recordings are extremely dynamically limited. My point is that you don't need a $150,000 system in a custom built room to properly reproduce these types of music. You still need a good system capable of low distortion, wide bandwidth, sharp imaging and all the other audiophile traits, but it doesn't have to be outrageously complex nor all that expensive.

I probably will continue to make relatively minor upgrades, but I can't imagine making any major changes. Maybe I'm no longer an audiophile and I've slipped down in the world of mid-fi, if so, I'd at least like to think that it's a quality mid-fi.
Ivan, I possess two somewhat-vintage equalizers at my disposal, a Soundcraftsman 15 band per channel graphic (complete with noise generator and microphone metering), and a rare Sony Esprit 3 band per channel full parametric (which is built inside and out like comparably older pieces of Accuphase or Mark Levinson might be!), and they have been very useful and very educational to play around with in the past. But ever since I got my system up to and past a certain point of truthfulness, I find I don't use them much anymore, and then only for dubbing and diagnostic work, not for straight listening. The more complete - sonically speaking - my rig became, the less, I discovered, I needed to make any compensation for variable recordings to achieve listenability. In fact, this was one of the phenomena that really let me know I was on the worthwhile track with this madness. This experience, too, would seem to bolster the argument for not downgrading one's system to "match" the supposed source quality.
Zaikesman, I don't disagree with you. Downgrading my system would make my ears hurt. But the Cello demonstration transformed a primitive, historical recording of great musical competence and made the music more accessible. The latter point, I think, is what it is all about. I don't think one can pull this off with the equalizer built into a appliance store receiver (not referring to your rig.)
Now if the multichannel hotshot engineers would capture the music event first and then worry about (SACD/DVD-A) multichannel, it would do us all a great service. I just replayed a Kate Wolf vinyl that she made with a tweaked Revox A77 and the presence and performance is wonderful. It's good recording technique that graces gifted performances.
I'm "there" too "61. My system is basically finished (I mean completed), and it is very enjoyable even with mid-fi and some lessor recordings. I see we have some very similar tastes in music, especially Chicago Blues and "ancient" ('50s) rock. I've got some Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry that all get the juices flowing even though we all know the recordings aren't that good.

But awhile ago, I got a Jacintha XRCD2 that absolutely made me melt it was so good, and the pretty high calibre of my system was suddenly all worth it. While I'm not a big jazz fan, I like some New Age, Celtic and Neo-Celtic, and some of it is very well recorded. My Vand. 5s are fairly expensive but they make all the Enigma CDs sound wonderful and IMO are definitely worth the cost for the excellent bass alone. So, yes, my system is better than 90-95% of my recordings, but I definitely put musicality first as I put it together and have no regrets. "Hail Hail Rock and Roll.........." Cheers. Craig
Absolutely - my system is better than a large portion of my CD collection. I share the opinion that a better system doesn't make "worse" recordings worse to listen to, but worse recordings don't inspire you to run out and spend a lot more on your system. And, there are many recordings that do benefit from the quality of my system, and when I'm listening to them, I'm thrilled that the system is as good as it is.

You don't mention how much your system costs (not that it's particularly important), but it's clearly less than $150K and situated in a custom built room - at some point in the upgrade process, you hit that knee in the curve where improvements are going to be more and more expensive. Since you can get a large majority of your CDs for between 8 and 13 dollars, you can get significant amounts of music for the same money as one of these expensive upgrades. Earlier on, it might have been 100 CDs for the same price as a very significant upgrade (relative to the quality of the system then). Now, it's probably 500 or a 1000 CDs. That makes a fairly compelling case for buying music and letting the system be.

Not caring for classical keeps the system cost down, as well. I like Rock, Blues, Jazz and several other genres, but I rarely listen to classical.

Finally, I'm guessing everybody who says they're at that point of the system being more than sufficient for most of their music collection has a system and a music collection that basically everybody they know believes is "over the top" - you're probably the most hard-core audiophile any of your friends know. And yet, there's something about getting to the point where the gear is sufficient and the showpiece CDs or LPs become uninteresting to listen to, that makes you question whether you're a "true" audiophile. Once again, it's easier (and cheaper!) to conclude that you don't much care. -Kirk

kthomas - couldn't agree with your post more! do they pay you more for being a true "audiophile"? fortunately most of my friends don't know what an audiophile is supposed to be so i don't have to deny being one.