PowerSnake Owners Unite!

OK PowerSnake owners, I think it's high time that we combine our efforts to completely familiarize our fellow Audiogon members with the power cords that we love more than any other on the planet. I'm asking owners of the Sidewinder, Black Mamba, Cobra and King Cobra to tell everyone honestly what these cords have done to improve the sound of their system. Believe me, you haven't really heard what your components sound like until you've heard them through a PowerSnake.
The Sidewinder has been in my system for a while. I'll let everyone know how it compares to others.
I've been waiting quite a while for this Carl.My H.T. PRO-AC 11 have burned in about 60 hours now.Today I'm going to put the stock cord back in and see what happens.I'll let you know.Tell me where you got the snake and how much.Whats the shortest recommended length also.Thanks,Carl Alberts been very quiet lately(?)
Powersnakes are truly lovely but in my system the Black Mambas made everything sound too precious. Eighteenth century orchestras sounded like Mantovani. Good Mantovani but Mantovani nonetheless. Electraglide Fat Boy Golds transformed by my system HONESTLY. No tricks, just an incredible solid bass foundation and a wonderful airy rendition of midrange and treble detail. Power Snakes ain't for everybody, just as BAT electronics ain't. Listen carefully, folks.