How Good are the Analysis Plus speaker c

Buffs, Been hearing lots of rave reviews on the Analysis Plus Oval 9, 12 and Silver Oval speaker cables. Has anyone here have experience with this cable? I'm planning to use it on my Krell FPB 200 mated to a Dynaudio Contour 1.8 II. Currently using MIT Terminator 4 speaker cables. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. If you can share what system you are using, I would highly appreciate it.
Looks like I'm in the minority here. I had high hopes for the Silver Oval speaker cable, I have compared directly to AQ Clear and HT Pro 9. I found the Siver Oval to be to laid back for my taste, however the soundstage was the best I'd heard. I overall ended up sticking with the Pro 9 because it seemed overall the most natural and true to the music. Components-Wadia 860, Pass Aleph 2s, Dunlavy SCIV.
I tried the oval 9 on my Van Alstine system (hybrid solid-state/tube) and Biro Speakers and did not hear a difference after a seven day break in. Bass may have been a little better, but I sent it back and am using the Kimber 4PR. With a Krell amp I can't say that its going to be sensitive to the cable either. But you can always try it.
I've just run in a pair of Oval 9's ( copper ) for appr. 500+ hours. I was told by a salesman at Audio Advisor that these cables sound horrible out of the box and take quite a while to settle in. I would agree. Out of the box, they literally SUCKED. I wanted to remove them instantly. This is exactly what the salesman also said his initial reaction was in his system at home. After appr. 70 hours, i could hear some slight changes for the better. 150 hours brought better performance. 200+ hours made them almost livable. 500 hours later and they might work if you've never heard what really good cables could do for a system. I have to admit that they did come a LONG way though compared to how they started out. I took them out and replaced them with a set of my Goertz MI-2's from another system. Almost instantly, the music, soundstage, life and especially the bass came back into the system. Two others outside of myself all agreed that there was no comparison and that the Oval 9's literally removed the "feeling" from the music. My girlfriend, who is no audiophile, was not in the room when i swapped cables. She could tell the difference within 10 minutes of playing time without ANY prompting from me. She too thought the Goertz stomped the Oval 9's without question. Keep in mind that results vary from system to system and personal tastes mean a lot. In this specific system, they didn't do very well. I do have to say that they did do some things quite well, but the negatives FAR outweigh the benefits. Needless to say, mine are going back. This is not meant as a flame or troll, just stating my personal experience to show both sides of the coin. Sean >
I would have to agree with Sean about his comments on the Goertz MI-2's. I am running a pair bi-wired to my Maggie 1.6's and really have been very pleased with the results. Best-Gary