Auric Illuminator Kit

Does this product really work?
When I first upgraded to a higher-end system, I heard how unforgiving it was of poorly recorded cd's (mostly rock). I tried the Auric Illuminator (AI) and it definately improved the sound. Quietier background and smoothed out the rough edges in the high range. The treated cd's sounded really good in my auto's cd player. The AI isn't a magic solution for poorly recorded cd's, but it made them playable again. And I appreciated that.
It really does.Try it out you wont regret me if you are interested.
Try it, so cheap you really should, use duplicate CDs to compare effect as I have. Shows most improvement on average or worse recordings, smooths out digital glare/grain in treble with no detail loss.....I have treated 1/2 of my rock/alt CDs to good effect, already good recordings I don't apply AI as the improvement is harder to detect.
I did get some loss of detail with the Auric Illuminator, most noticeable as a "smearing" of individual piano notes. I tried Optrix, and the same passages became clearer w. respect to attack and decay.