Dustcovers.. on or off...

Curious as to who does what..I've always read that a dustcover left on is akin to an antenna for vibrations. I usually remove mine when doing serious listening, just wondering what everyone else thinks about the subject...
I have to disagree. Perchance California is a dustier place than most but the dustcover keeps the dust out. The finest phono equipment sounds like crap when a piece of dust attaches itself to the stylus. Keeping the dust cover on keeps the dust down quite notably. If you don't have a dustcover how do you prevent dust build up?
hmmm. are your floors packed dirt or clay? ;^)
seriously, if you take the record out just before playing and return it to its sleeve afterwards,very little contamination will result.
Use the dustcover or place an old beater record or mat on the platter when the table is not in use.
Rfj, remember we're only talking here about during play. I have a dust cover for my Basis Ovation which I put back on after listening. Of course, it is a pain with some turntables with hinged dustcovers, I guess, but I think most of them can be reattached with a little work. If not, one of my friends (Plato, actually) has built himself, for less than $100, a clear acrylic dustcover which is larger in width, height and depth than his turntable, so he just places it over the whole TT. Looks great, too. Worth considering as a practical alternative.