speaker cable

i have a mc275 amp and a C22 pre amp with Silverline Sonata speakers what are the best spearker wire for me I do like a Full,Warm sound HELP!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Can someone elaborate on Waldhorners comment on the electrical properties/cause and effect of cables. Can I search for a specific effect based on cable specs? i.e. if I want more-extended highs, can I narrow my search based on certain range of capacitance? I'd have more confidence selecting cables if I knew some general guidelines based in fact rather than hype and pretty colors. Audioquest does have a rather lengthy article regarding the technical properties of it's designs, but I didn't see any actual comparisons between "the specs" and "what we hear". Just links would be fine, I'm sure this topic could fill pages. Thanks
From my listening experience. You might try, Audioquest Clear, good buy now. Cardas Golden Reference, or Golden Cross. Both are very good in midrange. You might give DH Labs a try, very cost effective. I hope this helps you. Let me hear from you for more information. Audio4fun@hotmail.com
i have done some web searching on this topic. i like the supercable cook book from vacuum state electronics. it goes into great detail on cables an how they work. right now i am using 30 gauge magnet wire from r/s. at a whopping 3.45 for a lot of feet. they are in short runs from anthem tube amps. it blew away the transparent xl something 1500$ biwire. i also knocked off my monster 10 gauge. waldhorner is right...invest a little time and perhaps save yourself a lot of money.
Although I have not auditioned any of the mega-buck cables, I have used cardas, audio research,straight wire,MIT & others.None of these come close to Mapleshade golden helix,this cable simply is the best I ever had in my system. If you decide To give it a try be prepared for a skock when you first look at it. My first impression was, you got to be kidding something this small can't push my big Magnepans.Since I had 30 days to try them, I put them in my system & now I'am hooked. Good luck in your cable search,
I also have Slverline Sonatas and I am presetly using Analysis Plus Oval Nine Speaker Cable which you can get factory direct discounted. I believe this is a better cable overall than the DH Labs and in the same league as some of the super expensive stuff. Construction quality is simply outstanding. The cable is very neutral, although a little darker than the silver version (which is more expensive).