speaker cable

i have a mc275 amp and a C22 pre amp with Silverline Sonata speakers what are the best spearker wire for me I do like a Full,Warm sound HELP!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Although I have not auditioned any of the mega-buck cables, I have used cardas, audio research,straight wire,MIT & others.None of these come close to Mapleshade golden helix,this cable simply is the best I ever had in my system. If you decide To give it a try be prepared for a skock when you first look at it. My first impression was, you got to be kidding something this small can't push my big Magnepans.Since I had 30 days to try them, I put them in my system & now I'am hooked. Good luck in your cable search,
I also have Slverline Sonatas and I am presetly using Analysis Plus Oval Nine Speaker Cable which you can get factory direct discounted. I believe this is a better cable overall than the DH Labs and in the same league as some of the super expensive stuff. Construction quality is simply outstanding. The cable is very neutral, although a little darker than the silver version (which is more expensive).
Talk to Bob Cohen at Cable Company www.fatwyre.com for specific system recommendations. They have loaner cables available so you can experiment - their low loaner fees apply on-account to the cost of anything that you buy from them.
If i were you i would find a used set of Audioquest Indgo they are a good cable and are not a arm and leg. They are not as brite as Straitwire or monster. They are kinda of on the laid back side netral midrange.
Jvr, could you pls indicate where one may find the supercable cook book -- the internet hopefully? Thank you.