speaker cable

i have a mc275 amp and a C22 pre amp with Silverline Sonata speakers what are the best spearker wire for me I do like a Full,Warm sound HELP!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I agree with Joe C., use Cable Co loaner program and try some Analysis Plus Oval 9, I use double runs in my system, and I prefer the cooper version to the silver oval. Very reasonable price, will give you rich full sound, these replaced highly rated cables that cost 4x as much im my system, Sam
Try the Monster Retro stuff. The ONLY time you'll hear me recommend this company(unless someone is a mass-fi person). But when I heard it, the first thing that came to my mind was vintage McIntosh(tube). Exactly what you're looking for. Sunny and warm to say the least. Not cheap though.
Well the analysis plus Oval 9's have been in my system for about 3 months and I consider them a great value. They are smooth, reveal all the music and I thought I would be living with them for a good long while until.....recently, when I listened to the MIT MH-750 Plus S3 Tube speaker cables. The first thing you notice is the bass performance or is it the separation of instruments through the midrange frequencies that make the music sound more real? The increase in the soundstaging of the performance was another big improvement, more apparent width and depth. I don't know what hit me first because both were such an immediate notable improvement. In the high frequencies the A.P. held their own quite well. I think Carl Eber is on to something with these cables. The ebb and flow of the music (pacing?)is too much better to ignore for me. Why do they cost 3.5X's as much as the A.P. and why are they so big and unruly? Why ask why if they make the listening experience that much more enjoyable? I now know what I'm going to do if I can find a good price on them.
TubeG, before you buy the MIT speaker cable you may want to try MIT ICs first, then if you want do MIT IC and speaker cables. I think dollar for dollar you get best performance increase with ICs. My system has MIT 330 ICs with bi-wire AP Oval 9 speaker cable........however I have no doubt that better MIT speaker cable will outperform Oval 9, just a matter of spending priority, Sam
Hi Sam I am currently using the Harmonic Tech truthlinks and really love them, no reason to change them for now though I don't doubt they can be bettered by the MIT IC matched with the speaker cables. I don't particularly want to find out at this time how much better. For that matter I was a bit apprehensive concerning my audio buddy bringing over his MIT cables other than I really didn't expect that they would be THAT MUCH better. Just when you think you are finished with one area in the system and you can move on to the next this happens. If the differences were more subtle than they were it wouldn't bother me as much. The only reason to reconsider is they are big, bulky and ugly and it is going to be a hard sell for my wife who is so asthetically minded. I sure wish I had a dedicated room. I have a C.A.T. coming next week which might forego upgrading the cables anytime soon.