The "Broken Blue Point Special Club"

Geez am I a klutz! While installing a new BPS I hooked the stylus and bent it so badly that it makes a horrible humming noise. To make matters worse, I tried to "straighted it out" and sheared the stylus off completely. Can anyone confirm my fear that the next step in this process is to simply throw the thing away, or can it be repaired?
Listen; you're lucky / this is not an expensive cartridge. I've had the "grace" to break the canteliver on 2 over 1200 cartridges---New,while installing them. The retipping charge was 50 percent of new price and a 6 week wait.Not sure why God gave me 10 thumbs.
My wife accidently took the stylus off of my BPS while she was dusting my turntable. A replacement is about$195. She feels bad about this. I do not blame her for this at all. I feel if I cleaned the turntable as often as she has, perhaps I would have done the same.
I broke one and my cleaning lady broke the replacement. I no longer own BPS.